Friday, March 27, 2009

Silence(more like laziness) broken.

OK, I'm refusing to let this blog be one of those things I start and stop....

I've been doing a lot over the last two months. One important thing is that I have started networking in the Microsoft Developer's community in and around Atlanta, GA. So far I'm happy to say that I've met some really interesting minds and have had some of the best and geekiest conversations of my life. I'm looking forward to becoming more of an active participant as well as learning how to manage my opinionated stances and perspective in a room of great minds.

As for the gym I'm still hitting hit hard. I'm hoping the consistency will pay off and hope to eventually gain a better grip on a more strict and less fun "way of eating." I was told by one of my friends at my gym that I have a group of women that secretly want to know what it is that I'm doing since they apparently have noticed some of my progress. Couple this with my recent attendance at this new gym since I moved, it seems that these ladies think I have some magic potion that melts fat and puts on muscle...

As for my dating life, I'm still grinding it out. Really haven't thrown a lot of energy into going out my way to meet women, but I'm happy to say that in my natural walk of life, I'm confident and have the tools to present the best me. However I am thinking of starting a new blog talking about relationships, my humble opinion and my lack or abundance(still to be determined) of game. Well that's the update that I needed to get things going. Stay tuned also for my new website under development that is going to feature my professional musings and samples of projects I'm developing in my spare time.