Tuesday, March 29, 2011


She's the ghost of things to come. Love, marriage and a family. The absence of which haunts more of my waking moments. I wear the smell of “Please! Pick Me!!!!” and “Where the hell is she?!?!?” At the moment all I have as proof that she exists, Are traces of perfume vapor, Restaurant receipt copies, And remnants of conversations in grocery store isles that end with the realization that she's too old for me. I catch myself pleading and reasoning with myself over this temporary infinity, Being stubborn thinking that praying for her to be what God sends me, Is a waste of prime air time. When I should be esteeming others higher than myself. So what is left? A press-conference on current events with near relatives, And a growing anxiety about mine and everyone else's life schedules.

What to Say(POEM)

I don't know what to say anymore about love.
Youth makes love seem idealized to the point of almost being a waking dream.
But as youth slips in to the grasp of time elapsed,
Time begins to strangle joy and excitement away.
Desperation is the lion growing bolder each day.
I hear the clock ticking...
Rolex doesn't make the biological kind...
Nothing has come close in a long time to grasping my mind...let alone my heart's interest.
Compounding...circumstances and the lack of romantic comedy happenstance.
Chance...after chance.
Yet any courtship takes time to learn the steps of love's dance.
I don't know how to feel about the game anymore.
Like being a Cavs fan when LeBron left for the South beach shore.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rainbows - POEM

This moment is calling for every bit of courage I have.
My heart beating fast,
My pulse racing a race of one.
And I stand bracing myself for her to show.
To show and put to ease the skirmishing butterflies I feel.
I feel...
But there is an awkward anxiety that seeks the deeper places that the light of her smile hasn't reached yet to claim as it's own.
My ears are alert,
Trying to hear if for me her heart groans.
I admit little outside the physically obvious is known,
But from much more barren soil,
The harvest of love has been grown.
I stand firm though.
Glad my own cowardice didn't anticipate her answer “No.”
We've both been through storms...
And the unseen of tomorrow won't claim what of today I know...
Let's find each other...together let's find our rainbow.

I Love You Sexy Mother...s!!!

Often when you are in that "getting to know each other" phase of dating, the question of "Kids/Marriage" comes up. In this modern age it seems that more and more women are adamant about not having kids. I couldn't figure out why a woman being opposed to children would bother me so much(other than it pushing against my want to be a father) until I thought about what popular culture is telling us about people who are mothers:

Mother...your life is over...really over once you have kids.

The life of a mother is ALWAYS portrayed either as a hectic life without any enjoyment to be found for herself with her slaving away to tend to the every need of her children. Seldom do you see a mother living a well-balanced life in movies and sitcoms. If she does then there is always an quiet implication that she is not a good mother because she manages to find time for herself at the expense of her mothering life-sentence.

This is probably the greatest lie being told by those brainwashed to push the femanist agenda. Being a mother is selfless. I wouldn't be the man I am today without the love of my mother and her thinking of me at times more than she thought of herself. My question is: What makes being selfless for the sake of your child wrong???? Sorry...life isn't Sex And The City...Life is God, Marriage, Responsibility 1 through Responsibility N and then when things are quiet, some sexual healing. Truth be told, children while taking up a LARGE chunk of our time, don't compare to the other stuff that the world demands of us(Jobs, our community activities, our spouses, and even ourselves)!

What I realized was bothering me when I spoke to women that didn't want to be mothers is the fact that all the myths and legends that they were told all pointed to the fact that they were selfish people(and being told that it was OK). They cared more about themselves than anything or anyone else and being a parent would force their hand into having to be selfless(and we definitely can't have that...). On a deeper level, I realized that these women would NEVER love me as equally as they loved themselves. Parenting is a larger inconvenience than a relationship. If she is so selfish to the point that executing a life function that is the essence of who she is at her core(a woman) then what will she do when my love for her becomes inconvenient??? What happens if I become sick and need her to tend to me and care for me...like...I don't know...a helpless infant/child????

I often said I wouldn't date women that were mothers because of the "complications" that I saw in their lives as they fought the good fight of raising their children. However I've come to my senses about the fact that mothers(present or future/hopeful) are exactly who I want to love and build a relationship with. They have chosen to embark on a life journey of caring for someone more than they often care for themselves...and that's a damn beautiful woman. I don't expect my wife to nurse and care for me like a child...but its a beautiful thing to see a woman that can love outside of her own life...and love life into someone else...especially when all that someone else can do is love them in return...